Utilities, Telecom & Energy
Industry Cluster Roundtable
The Utilities & Telecom sector is experiencing transformation, which may change the landscape of opportunity for many minority firms. Join us as we explore innovative strategies to increase contracting outcomes for African American and Latino firms.
Participants include: Major Utility Companies, Cable & Telecom Companies, the CA Public Utilities Commission, MiIken Institute, CA Water Companies, Major Utility Industry Primes, Corporate Procurement Professionals and more.
Why You Should Attend
Utility contracting dollars to African American and Latino Firms lag far behind others. As a DBE Firm, or a corporate stakeholder, your voice and vision is important part of crafting a solution that can advance equitable access for Southern California’s Black and Hispanic entrepreneurs.Minority Business Owners
The utilities, telecom and energy industries are experiencing drastic change. Spend with African American and Latino firms lags behind others in many areas. As changes continue, how can your company best position itself to be a part of this future? Join us to:
- Gain insights into future industry risks and opportunities
- Help develop solutions to increase African American and Latino business spend
- Learn how to pivot or expand your offerings to align with new areas of demand
Utility Industry Experts
- Share your industry knowledge and expertise
- Help supplier diversity champions adapt strategies in a changing marketplace
- Lend your expertise to help MBEs limit risk during the sector's transformation
Corporate Stakeholders
Augment your purchasing strategy by enhancing diverse channels from which to procure future goods and services. Display your company's commitment to the equitable access in contracting and its role in economic growth in all communities.
7 Other Key So Cal Industry Clusters
African American & Latino
Business Roundtable
8:30 AM - 2:30 PM
8:30 AM
- Arrival & Registration
B) Current Spend Statistics: AA & Latino Businesses
- Investor Owned Utilities
- Water Companies
9:00 AM
- Welcome & Introduction
- CA Solar Initiative
- EV Infrastructure
- Joint Power Procurement Initiative
- AB 350
- Bio Energy & Beyond
9:10 AM
- Industry Cluster Roundtable Objective
- Utilities (IOU) - 20 minutes
- Water - 20 minutes
- Cable - 20 minutes
- Telecom - 20 minutes
9:15 AM
- Trends & Development in a Changing Landscape
- AA Roundtable
- Latino Roundtable
9:50 AM
- Break
10:00 AM
- Opportunities Outlook Breakout Panels
11:30 AM
- Lunch Break
12:00 PM
- Understanding Ethnic Needs: Ethnic Breakouts
1:00 PM
- Solutions Strategy Session
2:00 PM
- CreditMatch® Panel Matchmaking Sessions
Register Now
Complete your registration and receive your electronic ticket today in order to get rid of standing in queues during the opening of the Utilities, Telecom & Energy Industry Cluster Roundtable.