Join Us!
BRG Offers a variety of volunteer opportunities. We work with individual, corporate, legislative, university, and municipal volunteer programs. Our volunteer teams make a difference in the lives of residents by contributing to the entities and infrastructures that drive economic well-being. Lend your time and talent to impact the communities where we work, love and play. Together we can create healthier communities’, vibrant businesses and resilient high-quality neighborhoods.
Explore and select the area of volunteerism where you can make an impact:

Community-based programs
Out in the field volunteering where it counts. In neighborhoods with families and businesses building resilient programs that have economic impact.

Nonprofit capacity
Volunteer your time to help expand the systems that strengthen BRG and partnering nonprofits. Stronger nonprofits build stronger communities.

Small business support
Lend your expertise to help strengthen, coach or train small and local businesses. Small businesses create jobs and offer residents livable wages to ensure quality of life.

Fundraising and event support
Join the project team or fundraising committee to help raise funds or host events that support workforce development, small business growth or community partnering.